Q3 2023 Roots Investment Community Update

In Q3 2023, Roots welcomed over 1,000 new investors (doubling the total from Q2), raised over $3.26M, and added 17 new properties to the fund...Let's dive in.


Roots Q3 2023 Performance Updates

Roots has a new Net Asset Value of $19,178,984 and distributed $222,017 to investors last quarter and now has a new unit price of $126, up $2 from last quarter. Roots fund has appreciated 18.3% the last 12 months (October 1, 2022 - October 1, 2023) and 40% since the fund's inception, July 1, 2021 - October 1, 2023.

New Properties

Map of the 17 properties Roots acquired in q3 2023

Roots acquired 17 different homes in the Atlanta area. These properties are a great investment with a purchase price of $4.516M and a current market value of $5.035M (a solid 10.3% under current market value). These homes are projected to generate an impressive annual rental income of $463K for the Roots Fund. This bring the Roots property total up to 70, with 127 doors.

Featured Properties


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Through the Live In It Like You Own It® program, Roots residents have now saved and invested over $300k. Roots Residents can earn quarterly rebates to invest into the fund by taking care of their property, paying rent on time, and being a good neighbor. By giving the residents ownership in the Roots fund, we align the incentives of investors and residents thereby creating partners, not tenants. This win-win ecosystem is what delivers the best returns for everyone.

Feedback from residents:

"Live In It Like You Own It®" In Action

A Roots resident moved in and made an initial deposit of $2,970. Instead of letting this money sit, they opted to participate in the Live In It Like You Own It® program and grow their wealth. Through being a good neighbor, paying their rent on time, and submitting their quarterly videos, this resident earned $1,573 in savings over the 20-month period they lived with Roots. They walked away with $4,493.03 and used the funds towards a down payment on their first home purchase!

The New Platform is HERE

Roots Investment community new platform image

Meet the revamped Roots platform, designed to give you a better user experience. If you are already a member, jump into your Roots account and check out the updates.

Not an investor? Why not make a real estate investment that also does good?

It took us years to build Roots, but you can invest in as little as 5 minutes and $100.

Invest in the only real estate fund that creates wealth for you and its residents >>

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